Tomorrow, we celebrate the birthday of a wonderful man. The love of my life, my husband (known here as Lead Dog, or LD for short). In honor of LD, I'm posting 25 things I love about Doug. I could have gone to 50(and beyond), but felt that might be a bit boastful. :)
25 things I love about Doug
1. He is hot. Sorry, but he is. He is so good looking that even after more than 10 years, it still gives me butterflies to look at him.
1. He is kind. I have never heard him say anything mean spirited to anyone- myself included.
3. He loves animals, and they love him back. Any questions that I had in the beginning of our relationship about his character were stifled when my monster of a cat- who in 8 years had never gone to a stranger and would barely allow me to pet and love on her, immediately went to Doug, purring. I've never seen a dog or cat that didn't immediately warm to this man. He has a good soul, and animals can sense that.
4. He cooks. Most of the time, he cooks better than I do.
5. He knows how to operate the vacuum cleaner, dishwasher, clothes washer and dryer. Knows how to operate, and frequently does!
6. After our first 'hook up', he said he would call the next day.....and he did! He is very dependable- if he says he will do something, it is done. He has never let me down.
7. He loves his Mom and Dad. He does not try to blame any mistakes or disappointments in his life on his parents. He calls them regularly. He introduced me to his folks on our third date.
8. He has integrity. He is willing to work for the things he wants, never trying to cheat the system or look for a handout.
9. He has close male friends that he has known for 30+ years and is not afraid or embarrassed to tell them that he loves them.
10. He told me that he loved me for the first time on the phone. And when I called him back to clarify what he had just said, he did not make a big deal out of it. He loved me and told me. Like breathing. No drama or strings attached.
11. He is unbelievably good looking, and he is completely unaware. He is concerned about his appearance only to the point of good personal hygiene and wanting to make sure his clothing is clean and appropriate for the occasion, but has no idea that he makes women weak in the knees.
12. He has a strong mechanical aptitude, but doesn't mind asking for help or looking up instructions when he needs to.
13. He respects his elders. He recognizes that a lifetime of experience deserves respect/
14. He sees me with eyes wide open, warts, wrinkles, selfishness and all, and loves me anyway.
15. He holds doors open for people.
16. He lives life without fear or reservation. He is open to trying new things, without worrying about looking foolish.
17. He quit his job, sold his home and moved 150 miles away from his family and friends because he understood that I couldn't move my children away from their family and friends. It was not even up for discussion. And he has never once made me feel guilty about it.
18. He stops to ask for directions when needed.
19. He has never met a stranger. He makes friends more easily than anyone I've ever met.
20. He is non-judgmental. Open minded to all cultures, religions and lifestyles.
21. He cried at our wedding. And was not embarrassed or ashamed.
22. He is very self-assured, without an ounce of conceit.
23. He offers help to anyone, friend or acquaintance, without expecting anything in return.
24. He would go to the ends of the earth and do anything within his power to make me happy. the sound of my laughter makes him smile.
25. He is a wonderful man, with a beautiful soul. And I am the luckiest woman on earth.