Tuesday, March 09, 2010

early spring in the garden

mmmmmm....days like today are the perfect reason to have a garden.  1-2 hours in the afternoon sun pulling up old tomato canes, twisting metal cages back into shape, brushing away straw to see what did or didn't survive the winter, days like today are worth their price in gold.  My perfect escape.
This year the garden held a few surprises.  Among the dead vines & branches there are so many fallen/rotten tomato carcasses that I'm going to depend on volunteer tomatoes this year rather than plant new.  I'm telling myself that I'm being frugal rather than lazy. 

I wish I could remember if this sad survivor of winter 2009/2010 is a broccoli or a cabbage.  I think it looks like cabbage, but I could swear that is where I planted the broccoli.  Either way, this little plant kinda looks the way I feel most days.  Badly injured but still alive.  The eternal optimism of Spring, right here in my own backyard. 

and wonder of wonders...Garlic!  lovely, green, smelly garlic!  Looks like most of the  garlic that I planted last fall survived.  Before I get too excited about my gardening prowess let me step in and remind myself that garlic has been cultivated for a very long time.  And they won't be ready for harvest till Summer.  but still. 
There is such comfort in plant, wait, harvest.