Let me explain.
First of all, I am a complete, self admitted inconstant blogger. My life has 2 phases, either NOTHING is going on and I'm swallowed up in depression and self pity and, well, who in the world would want to read anything that someone in that conditions would write!? The other phase is when EVERYTHING happens at once and though I have a billion things I'd like to blog about, well, I'm so durn busy that I think about blogging, want to blog, but can't pull myself away from whatever else is going on. Occasionally I have actually even forgotten that I have a blog.
I've seriously kicked around the idea of only posting pictures and not even making an attempt to be witty (hey, I said "attempt", I didn't say I was sucessful!) and I really think I may start doing that. So here are the first two pics, and anyone who know either myself or LD will at once understand why I haven't posted recently:


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