Oh my. The First Post. Scary! My 'plan' is to post updates on my spinning and dyeing experiments, as well as ongoing knitting projects. And of course, the dogs. LD (Lead Dog aka my loving husband Doug) and I are blessed with three of the most comical, adorable canines in the world. Let me introduce the crew. We'll start with the baby, Baron Bailey Keiran K. (we just call him Bailey, unless he's been naughty). He is the light of my heart and the joy of my world. That is him, to the left, posing like the gorgeous hunk of puppy love that he is!
Our middle pup is a mixed breed rescuse named Beau (sorry, no fancy middle names for the middle child!). He has some behavior challenges, but over all he is a VERY sweet and loving boy, much more bonded to LD than to me.
And last but first in our life and hearts always is Princess Abigail. She was our first (actually, she was the first dog I've ever shared my life with) and she just could not be more special. She is easily the sweetest, most well behaved and most beautiful dog in the world.
As it is Saturday morning, said pups are bugging LD and I to go to the park. They know that when Mom and Dad do not get up, get dressed and leave for work, that it must be SATURDAY and that means eggs for breakfast and the park!
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