so, about 6 months ago I ordered 2 acid dye starter packs from Pro-Chem. I've played with KoolAid and Wilton's dyeing, but was not satisfied with the variable results from the colors splitting. So I ordered acid dyes. They arrived promptly, I opened the box and read the instruction. A couple days later I pulled the colors out, looked everything over, and put them away again. A couple days later I read the instructions again. This went on for the previously mentioned 6 months! For some reason, I was just terrified of trying it! Dyeing wool is not brain surgery, but I am a very frugal spinner, I value every ounce of fiber that I have and am petrified of 'ruining' any of it.
Well, after finally deciding to just put on my big girl panties and deal with it, I'm finding that (as is true with most things in life) 'thinking about it' is soooo much worse than just 'doing it'. I'm very please with my progress so far, and for you viewing pleasure today I present you with "Sea Horse Carnival". The roving was beautiful white Blue Faced Leicester (read this 'blue faced' Leicester, the sheep's faces are blue, not the wool!) purchased from CopperMoose Farms, spun and Navajo plyed on my Kiwi. I am also spinning a small amount on a spindle, I'll post later with a comparison.
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