Tour de Fleece is going very well too. Grand total to date is 1476 yards! Only 124 yards to go, one semi full bobbin. I can whack that out in one evening in front of the TV! Woo hoo! And, grudgingly I will admit that I've learned something from spinning all this dang white wool. I've really been able to watch the drafting triangle and keep my spinning very even (with no pretty colors to distracts me- you know me, pretty colors and shiny things.....) and I've just about mastered the 'long draw' style of spinning. For non-spinners, this is a technique used to spin lovely, soft yarn, very quickly. And it involves 'letting go' of a lot of control- quit snickering! You kind of let the wheel and the wool do all of the work- it is really cool once you get it down. Now, I don't know if this will work with every type of wool, Merino- having a very short staple, is one that comes to mind as maybe not being the best candidate for the long draw, but the coopworth lamb/alpaca blend is lovely. Should make for a really nice sweater, if Lead Dog ever decides on a color. Pictures tomorrow of the yarn pile and Mom's socks. Finished, blocked and drying as I type. Gotta go cast on Grandma's socks. Her birthday is next Thursday, think I can finish in time? When I mentioned that I was winding the yarn into a ball for Grandma's socks, Mom said they'd make a nice Christmas gift- doh!
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