Thanks to the brilliance of Michael at www.wormspit.com I've learned that the newly hatched silkworm babies are called Kego in Japan. It translates into hairy babies, which is totally appropriate, that is exactly what they look like! I never thought I'd say this about an insect, but they are durn cute! I'm having second thoughts about feeding them to Mr Draco, but I'm sure around the time of the third or fourth instar (skin shed-it's how they grow. seriously, check out wormspit, you'll learn soooo much!) I'll be ready to part with a few to make feeding/cleaning easier. And if not, well, Mr Draco can't miss something he's never had!
I'll close today with an adorable picture of the precious pup that holds my broken heart together with his two paws. -and can't you tell how much he just loves his momma waking him up to take yet another picture of him?!?

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