Thursday, July 06, 2006

We Have Babies!!!!

Baby silkworms, that is! I've been getting rather nervous about the little eggies, wondering if the temp is correct (no, the thermostat doesn't ease my mind, those things can be wrong, you know!) wondering if the humidity (or lack thereof) is correct, and worrying that they will all decide to hatch an hour after I've left for work- and then all the little babies would die of hunger/dehydration before I got home to feed them (horrors!). So you can imagine my relief and joy when this morning (2am) I wandered downstairs in an insomniac blur and found one tiny, fuzzy little speck crawling around a bit. okay, crawling is probably the wrong word, waving around a bit is more on target.
So what did I do, you ask? well, I slipped on a pair of flip flop and ran to the mulberry tree in the back yard and started plucking tiny newborn leaflets from the end of about half a dozen branches. My silkworm babies will not go hungry! And I'm just thrilled that they've chosen the end of the work week to hatch, this way, I can spend all weekend making sure they are fully fed and happy. Full, happy silkwormies will equal lots and lots of silk. I am planning on allowing the silkworm moths to emerge from their cocoons- I'll fluff and handspin the silk, not reel it, but some of the silkworm will also be used as a treat for our Bearded Dragon- Draco:

Tour de Fleece update:

This is 172 yards. Only 1324 to go! I am not loving spinning all this white, but as said yarn will be made into a sweater, I need to dye it all in the same batch. Can't have Lead Dog running around in a splotchy sweater now, can we?

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